Installing and using the plug-in

Enabling the App

Near your Issue title, find the [App name] button.
(if it’s not there, click triple-dot button, and select it from the dropdown menu)



The application will appear on your issue panel


Embedding web services into the jira issue panel

  1. Create new tab by clicking [Plus] button on the side navigation

  2. Click on the required embed button, use search for fast navigation.


  1. You will be prompted to enter the URL and Name for your tab


  1. For each built-in report, there are instructions on how to get a link. For example, instructions on how to add a link for Power BI.

  2. When everything is set up, click the Save button, and enjoy your embeds.


Side Navigation

Side buttons are used to control the app


  1. Adds a new tab

  2. Removes current tab

  3. Prompts you to change the parameters of the current tab

  4. Toggle the fullмscreen mode


Editing and saving in Jira

  • In Jira, the config panel can be opened by clicking the top-right config button.

  • Basic tab inserts, edits and reordering can be performed without needing to open the config panel.

  • When you’ve finished making changes, click the top-right blue button to save changes.

  • Ctrl/Cmd+C and Ctrl/Cmd+V to copy-paste links into the macro.

  • Links generally need to be set to public in order to display properly (see relevant app docs).

  • Both public links and <iframe> embed code can be pasted into the macro.